
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Enough! I'm gonna rant now, so if you don't care for that sort of thing, don't read it.

I am sick and tired of so-called progressives accusing conservatives of all kinds of heinous acts. Someone named David Corn, apparently a columnist writing for Politics Daily, is accusing those on the right of exploiting the Fort Hood shootings. Give me a break! Conservatives are not the ones who proclaimed, "never let a crisis go to waste". Conservatives are not the ones who, while the rest of the country was in shock and mourning for those victims, pulled a fast one by selling oil drilling rights off our continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico to the Chinese. Conservatives are not the ones who, after pressure from the Oval Office, pushed through a disastrous health care monstrosity on Saturday night without giving anyone a chance to read it.

This columnist has the audacity to compare Hasan to that killer of the abortion doctor in Kansas. First off, not every crime must be compared to that case, all right? And secondly, quit calling that murderer a Christian. Christians don't do that.

Let's call it like it truly is, shall we? Hasan wasn't suffering from secondary post-traumatic stress, nor did he "crack" under pressure. Hasan was, and is, an evil man, who perpetrated an evil on American soil. Quit making excuses for him, and quit saying alleged shooter. When you have more than 30 people who saw him commit the crimes, the term "alleged" pretty much flies out the window. Get him on his feet, try him for murder and sedition and anything else you can charge him with, and sentence him to death. He certainly has earned it.

That's all for now. Comment all you like. For now, free speech is still a right.

Very well said, Denise. Kudos.
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