
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, January 23, 2009

It's Phriday! Look... up in the sky... it's a bird... it's a plane... it's Obama's minions exploding into a thousand pieces... who am I kidding? It's gonna be at least a week before anyone criticizes him, except for his tacky inaugural outfit. So, let's get on with ... Phriday Phideaux!!

I figured we could all use a lot of fun this week, so we'll start with a snapshot of what it was like on the Mall in Washington on Tuesday:

Yeah, a real good reason to stay home, as if I needed another one. Here's a big hug from Grandma for y'all:

Wasn't he precious? For all you military types, a special photo goes out to the Navy this week:

And for the Army and Marines, who actually have to fight on land, here's a Tiger to fight for ya:

Okay, enough cute. This just cracked me up when it showed up in my email, and I had to share. Since it involves a dog, it goes here, right? Of course, it does:

That's it for Phriday Phideaux this week. I'll be back next Phriday with more cuteness from the maniacs at ihasahotdog.com and my inbox.

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