
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

It dawned on me today that I haven't posted lately on our family football bet of 2008. Sir Mugley is following Jacksonville and Pittsburgh; I am following Miami and Baltimore. To reiterate the rules, you earn points when your team scores. It doesn't matter if they win or lose, only how many points they reached. At the end of the season, the loser pays the winner one penny for every point difference in their total scores.

At the end of week nine, Sir Mugley has 338 points; I, on the other hand, have 342 points. It's a lot closer than I thought it would be. Eight games to go. Right now Sir Mugley owes me a lousy four cents, but I'm hoping for more. Of course we have different rules for the playoffs. We choose teams at a dollar a game; the Super Bowl is a five dollar bet.

We've been doing this for about eight years now, and Sir Mugley has only beat me the last two years. I think that's enough.

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