
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Monday, July 14, 2008

You know, if you'd seen me this afternoon, when I was about half way through my final paper for accounting, you would have seen something similar to this:

But now, it's Monday, my classes are done, all assignments turned in, and I'm free for the next two weeks!

I'm actually looking forward to my next classes. I've changed my schedule so I'm taking a history class along with my Behavioral Science Intro. That one should also be easy, since Sir Mugley got his degree in Psych. I'm sure I can borrow his notes. He never throws any of them away. Me, as soon as my classes are done, the computer files are filed away, and I never have to see them again! Anyway, I'll blog some more either tomorrow night or Wednesday. Gotta go read a book for pleasure. I think I remember how...

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