
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

At the beginning of the year, I had to change doctors, because my local physician decided it was too far to drive to cover the satellite clinic in the nearby town. So I switched to the doctor in another town about the same distance, whose clinic is also a satellite of the nearby hospital. I got a letter from the hospital today, stating that this doctor is also leaving. Now I, once again, have to find a new doctor. I was just getting this one trained. She's leaving the middle of next month, so I better make an appointment and get my meds refilled. I also need her to put me on some type of cholesterol medicine. My high cholesterol is not coming from what I eat. I've kept track of every food that went into my face over the last month, with the exception of water. It's definitely not the food.

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