
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

At long last, I've updated my blogroll for your hours of entertainment pleasure (yeah, right). Here's a list of all the new blogs (to you) to check out, since you probably won't take the time to go down the list to see who's new:
Crime News 2000
HPANA - Daily Prophet (Harry Potter news)
Conservative Grapevine
Rachel Lucas*
Ken Levine
Mountaineer Musings
Snark Raving Mad
LawDog Files
Bayou Renaissance Man
Cassy Fiano
A Day in the Life of an Ambulance Driver(Ambulance Driver Files)
White Coat Rants
Scalpel or Sword
Bad Dogs and Such
The Knifeman
Voice in the Night*
Cute Overload
Xavier Thoughts*
Dad Gone Mad
Boobs Injuries and Dr. Pepper
Army of Dog*
Skippy's List
Now, for those of you who have delicate eyes and don't want to see any adult language, the blogs with the stars by them are not rated PG, okay? The rest of them have occasional language issues, but you can ignore them if you so choose. I enjoy every single one of these blogs, and read them as often as I possibly can. Some of them I get to every day, the others every other day. Being in school, I don't have as much time for reading as I'd like, but I want you all to check these out. These people put a lot more effort into their blogs than I do, and they deserve it.

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