
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

This has been my worst set of classes yet, but I'm done! I have never in my life had so many things working against me, distracting me from doing homework in classes I really didn't care anything about.

Tonight I posted my final assignments in my English Comp class (working with business forms, resumes, PowerPoint presentations, etc), and my Cultural Diversity (yeah, right) class. For my finals, in Comp I had to make a PowerPoint presentation to go with the paper due in the other class. Pathetic. The Cultural Diversity final was a 1,500 word paper (In APA Format NEVER FORGET THAT NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO THEY CAN'T READ IT OTHERWISE) on the cultural diversity in my area. What a laugh.

How do you write a paper on cultural diversity in an area where there is none? I haven't got a racist bone in my body. We did not choose this area for the color of the neighbors. We didn't know anything about the neighbors when we moved here. We chose this area because it was nearly crime-free. Coming from Kansas City that was a big seller for us. It still is. There hasn't been a murder here in over ten years. No bank robberies in the time we've been here (21 years). There are four races in this county: Caucasian (98.2%), African-American (.4%), Hispanic (1.2%)and Asian .2%. Interestingly enough, income-wise they are ranked Asian, African-American, Caucasian and Hispanic from highest to lowest.

So how do you turn that into a paper on diversity? I asked my instructor, and was told to write about how to change it. Yeah, right. Nobody here wants to change it. Everyone is happy. It's like a trip back in time. There are a lot of people who don't even bother to lock their doors. If they did, the neighbors would break their noses trying to get in.

Anyway, I was writing about this term. More in a minute.

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