Friday, September 07, 2007
People are over-reacting to everything these days, don't you think? Last week I read a story about a father who wanted his son arrested for chasing his sisters with a frog. That's right, a frog. And now, a man had his 22 year old son arrested on a charge of domestic abuse. The two men had been arguing, and the son picked up a bag of Cheetos and threw them at his dad. These "deadly" Cheetos popped the guy in the nose and put a little scratch there from his glasses. (where did I put that teeny tiny violin now?) This is so out of hand. The first father should have handled it himself. It's amazing how far a frog will fly if properly propelled. I'm sure it would have landed in someone's yard and been free forever. The second dad needs to be a man. If you don't want your son in the house, throw him out. He's 22 and needs to take care of himself now. People, quit using the police department to discipline your children. That is your job.
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