
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm halfway through my first week in my two new classes and my brain is going to explode. The first week we are reviewing basic arithmetic, next week beginning algebra. I've been staring at this stuff and my brain is fried already. My biggest problem is they changed some of the terminology and it takes a while to figure out what they want. But I'm finally catching on, as long as they don't hit us with a lot of geometry, cause I didn't take that in high school. I was up all night last night just getting registered to use the net tutor, eprofessor and equation editor resources.

My intro to biology is turning more into an intro to evolution and ecology. They are not going to like me very well at all. I was up all last night getting the stuff together as I have a 1,400 word paper due on Sunday. In APA format (nazis designed these rules for publishing, I just know it). So I know what I'll be doing this weekend while I'm doing laundry.

I have definite plans to see if there are any alternatives to algebra II in my next course load. I want something that's not gonna stress me out to where I can't enjoy my class on world religions. Those are the next classes I have scheduled to begin in November. Looks like they will take me into the new year. woo hoo!

I happen to love APA format Ma..it is wonderful and so simple to learn. I don't understand why you seem to have such a problem with it.

And of course I am being sarcastic! LOL..I just can't help myself..but I do enjoy it thoroughly!
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