
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I have a favor to ask my reader(s). My baby boy, Wolf, from Howling in the Wind (who hasn't been able to post for a while because he is currently without computer) apparently has a staph infection. He went to the hospital two days ago, and they sent him home with some antibiotics (which I thought was stupid, but I'm not a doctor). My daughter in law, Mrs. Wolf, called me this morning, and told me they wanted him to go back to the hospital, but now he's saying he won't go. He wants to give the antibiotics more time to work. Maybe I'm just being a worrying mommy, but I don't think he should be messing around with this. Staph infections can kill people. I told him to get his butt to the hospital, but you know how grown men can be. If you are a pray-er, please pray for him and his family. If you are not a pray-er, keep good thoughts for them. Mrs. Wolf can't work right now because of her ruptured disk in her back, and now he's laid up, and they have three young boys. I can't help them out, because they live in another state. All I can do is worry and pray.

Prayers on the way.
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