
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Okay, this is my life, officially. The same weekend I get accepted into college I pull a really bonehead stunt. Over in Carthage, they were celebrating the annual Maple Leaf Festival. My brother and sister were going to operate a booth in the craft fair part of the festival, and they agreed to sell some of my soap in their booth. I couldn't really go to the fair, so I made arrangements to meet my sister on her way to Carthage, and hand over the soap so she could sell it. After much discussion, we agreed to meet at a gas station near the restaurant at 5:00 am. Well, long story short, I went to the wrong gas station. That was bad enough, but I took my daughter with me. It wasn't until we were on our way back home that I realized my mistake. I can't begin to tell you how stupid I felt. There are no words. So that was my sucky weekend. Hope you had a good one.

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