
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

People who know me and are willing to acknowledge it will tell you that I can't stand it when I find a typo in something I'm reading. If I'm deep in a book and find one, it will wreck the story for me. But on occasion, they are very funny. For example, this paragraph in an e-mail I received on the upcoming "24" movie:
Variety reports that Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran have made a deal to write the script for a feature film adaptation of "24," which would begin hooting next spring or summer. No talent has yet been signed, but apparently Kiefer Sutherland has expressed enthusiasm for doing a "24" movie.
Sir Mugley thought I'd lost it when I started laughing at that one. Let's all keep our ears open for those "hoots" now.

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