
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I've got to take a minute and express some deep feelings here, so if you're not a relative and don't want to read this, that's okay. Today's Father's Day, and it brings my dad to the minds of my entire family. That's a wonderful thing. Dad and Mom raised us not as a blended family, but as a close and loving family. That has outlived both of them. As far as I'm concerned, it will never die.

I've gone through some difficult times the past few days, and my family has banded together to bail me out financially when they didn't have to. After all, a telephone isn't like housing or food, is it? But they didn't want me to be without a connection to the outside world, and together they decided to pay a very overdue telephone bill.

How do I tell them how much I love them? I can't do it with gifts, nor can I travel to visit them as much as I'd like. But what I can do is tell the world (at least the world that reads this blog) that I love them with a depth of love that only God can provide. I would die for any one of them. I think they should know that. My family has been, is, and always will be second in my life only to God. By family I mean my siblings, my husband, my children and grandchildren. They are my reason to keep hanging in and not cave to illness or despair. I can never repay that.

To Jerry, Judy, Elaine and Brenda, and their spouses, I say: I Love You All. Have a wonderful Father's Day. Dad would be so proud of how we kept it together.

hi sis, well you made me cry this a.m. you know we love you very much and it is a sad day for us all.we will always try to be there for you, much love, lanie
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