
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A supermarket in London is going to help their customers get past that boring lunchtime routine. They are going to start selling musical sandwiches. No, the sandwich doesn't sing. The box the sandwich comes in plays music when it is opened, much like those musical greeting cards they're selling these days. They are starting out with Christmas music (can you still say that?) but after the Christmas and New Year's holidays are over, will probably expand. Of course, the article had to throw in some puns:
While it's not certain how your true love would react to being given a tuneful tuna lunch on February 14, Church said the idea could also be used in conjunction with record companies to launch songs by new artists clamouring for the kudos.

The first offering will have no such ambitions, and will consist of a turkey and cranberry sauce sandwich with pork and cranberry stuffing. The new musical sandwiches will go on sale this week.

But further out, flavour/song combinations under consideration include Prawn To Be Wild, Let It Brie and that old Julio Iglesias favourite, Fillings, Tesco said.
They just couldn't resist, could they?

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