
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Well, folks. It looks like apathy has reared its ugly head once again when it comes to our duty to vote. I've read that Democrats won some big seats in the East, but I haven't done any digging into the actual vote. I've been studying the voting here in Southwest Missouri, and it is truly embarassing. One issue in Pulaski County (home of Fort Leonard Wood and surrounding cities) received only 7 votes. Seven! There were 10 precincts involved here. A small town in Stone County with a population of 129 passed a sales tax raise by a vote of 9 to 2. 11 people out of 129. Truly shameful in my opinion. We didn't have anything to vote on here in my county, but when we do we really turn out.

The state elections today turned out well for the Republicans down here. The 29th Senate district elected Goodman 66% over McNeill 30%, and the House race went to Republican Smith over Democrat Simpson 54-44%. So that keeps the Republican/Democrat split in the Missouri legislature the same as it was. At least in this part of the state. God only knows what they do in the north.

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