
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Talk about your major blunder:
A Times Square movie theater laid an egg at a showing of "Chicken Little" last night.

Adults and kids expecting to watch Disney's G-rated animated flick at the AMC Empire 25 theater on 42nd St. were instead presented with a foreign film that opened with a young man committing suicide.

Terrified children didn't know what to do as they watched a young boy hang himself from a tree at the 8:45 p.m. screening.
So they had a theater full of children screaming and crying, and they'll probably have nightmares for a while. So how does the theater handle the mistake? How do they show their remorse for such a monumental screw-up?
Patrons got a coupon for a free movie.
Oh, Goody Goody!

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