Monday, November 07, 2005
I'm in a really pissy mood today, so I decided not to post anything. However, I must put my feelings aside for a very important project. Project Valour-IT has been set up to raise money to purchase Voice Activated Laptop computers for OUR Injured Troops. To make the fundraising more interesting, they've divided up into military branches. Blackfive is heading the Army fundraising, Indepundit is in charge of the Navy team, Mudville Gazette is in charge of the Air Force, and last but not least, Soldier's Angel is working for the Marines. Pick your favorite and make a donation. It doesn't have to be large, and it will mean so much to a wounded veteran. I don't know which way to go here, because my father, father-in-law and son were in the Army, my daughter joined the Navy, and my husband was in the Air Force. I don't know how I missed having someone in the Marines or Coast Guard. Anyway, give till it hurts, because I guarantee you, it won't be as big a sacrifice as that veteran made.
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