Saturday, October 15, 2005
There really is a fowl wind blowing in Exeter, Missouri, a town about two counties from me:
Schoolchildren were forced to stay indoors Friday as about 250,000 pounds of chicken meat rotted one block away in a meat locker that had not been operating for weeks.Can you imagine? I've had a single chicken go bad before, and the smell was enough to put you off food for a good long time. The pictures they've been showing on the news have been horrible. The smell is putting area restaurants out of business. And yet, the idiots in charge of setting this situation right have determined they can get it cleaned up in one day. Yeah, right. It will take that long to get the carcasses out. I doubt they'll ever get the smell out of the building. I'm sure it has permeated every board, every ceiling tile. Even living nearby you'd think the odor would be in your clothing, your hair, your car, etc. Ick!
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