
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Thanks to all who have been praying for my nephew David. He has been released from the hospital now, and seems to be progressing nicely. We don't know yet about his long-term prognosis, except that he will probably never be able to work again. But he's improving daily and I thank you for your prayers.

If you're still in the praying mode, Sir Mugley has a shot at two different jobs next week. Considering how long it's been since he's worked (he's been going to school), this is a wonderful turn of events for us. If he gets either job, it should be enough to get us off the dole, meaning food stamps, etc. He would like to get one job more than the other, because it more fully utilizes his education, but he'll take either one. Please pray he gets offered one of them, and God Willing, it will be the one he wants.

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