
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Well, there's not a lot new in the news today. Everyone's talking about Katrina and getting help to the survivors. That's great. I hope you've made your contribution, either of money, time or prayer. I understand several police officers in New Orleans have quit their jobs, and Drudge is reporting two have committed suicide. There are also reports that police officers are helping with the looting of the abandoned stores. That breaks my heart. These people are giving all policemen a black eye. Someone should throw the book at them, then the bookshelf. The same goes for the idiots who are blaming the federal government, and for those claiming racism in the handling of the rescue mission. If they want to lay blame, it goes squarely in the lap of the elected officials in Louisiana, especially the mayor. Their own disaster plan said the buses that are now under water were to be used to evacuate those who had no transportation.

We're getting some refugees up here in Missouri. I know Branson has opened their hotels and motels to the refugees, and are giving many clothing and food. The Convoy of Hope has traveled to the gulf region and are providing meals and water to the victims. They are based in Springfield.

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