Thursday, July 28, 2005
Wow, am I glad that heat wave is over. Our air conditioner is officially on life support. It's just barely producing cool air at this point. So I called today to see about buying a new one at our local furniture and appliance store. Seems so many people have been stiffing them on payments lately they aren't extending credit any more. So it's cash or credit card, neither of which is an option at this point. Thank God for OACAC. That stands for Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation, and they are truly a Godsend. For people who are economically challenged, such as families on a fixed low income (ours) or families who just can't make ends meet, they provide what they can to help. This includes energy assistance in the summer and winter, commodities on a monthly basis, and air conditioners for those who have medical need. That would be me. I've just gotta get a note from my doctor (no problem) and I can get a free air conditioner. They also provide school supplies and clothing for the entire family. Really a great deal for those of us who are scratching to keep our heads above water.
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