Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I was listening to Bill O'Reilly today while I was out doing some errands, and I really got ticked off. He was discussing this new law passed in Florida which mandates a 25 year prison sentence for a first-time sex offender convicted in that state. A second conviction warrants a life sentence. Both seem extremely fair to me, especially if the victim was a child. Then O'Reilly proceeded to inform the listening audience that he'd taken a survey of all the other governors to see if they planned to follow suit. Most gave him a favorable answer, either they were looking into passing something similar or they had already signed something similar into law. Unfortunately, there were several who either refused to respond to the survey, indicating their grand indifference, or they told him to kiss off. Both really poor responses in my opinion. He then went on to read the list of governors who fell into this group. My governor was on that list. My governor, Matt Blunt, son of Roy Blunt, brand new father. I saw red for the rest of my trip. When I got home, I proceeded to write my governor an e-mail. I'm posting it here in its entirety:
Governor, I am a long-time supporter of your fathers campaigns, and have voted for you at every opportunity. I am also a mother of two and grandmother of 10. I have a serious problem weighing on me right now. I was listening to Bill OReillys program today, and your name came up as one of the governors who didnt seem to care about protecting children from sex offenders. They were taking a survey of governors who supported a bill such as the one just passed in Florida to mandate 25 year sentences for first-time convicted offenders and life sentences for a second conviction. I would like it very much if you could explain to me what your objections to such a law could be. I have a great love for the children of our state, and know you, as a new father, care about protecting children as well. I am looking forward to your answer. Thank you for taking the time to read this.I'll post his answer when I get one... if I get one. In the meantime, check here to see if your state is on the list. If it is, contact your governor and find out why. He or she owes you an answer.
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