
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Guys, if you're in Africa and get a sudden urge to rape a woman, be very, very careful:
A rape victim once wished for teeth "where it mattered". Now a device has been designed to "bite" a rapist's penis. The patented device looks and is worn like a tampon, but it is hollow and attaches itself with tiny hooks to a man's penis during penetration.

"We have to do something to protect ourselves. While this will not prevent rape it will assist in identifying attackers and securing convictions," claims Sonette Ehlers, inventor of the device.
Yikes! You fellas may not want to read further, as it gives details of how the device works:
In the event of rape, the device folds itself around the rapist's penis, attaching to the skin with microscopic hooks. It is only when the rapist withdraws that he will realise the device is clamped around his penis.

'He will have to be put under anaesthetic to have it removed' "Its design will also go a long way towards lowering HIV infection as semen is contained in the device ... as well as preventing sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies," Ehlers says.

As it is impossible to remove the device from a penis without medical help, hospitals and clinics will be able to alert police when assistance is sought.
"This will rule out any possibility of the rapist's escaping arrest and speed up conviction."

If the rapist tries to remove the device, it will only embed itself further. "He will have to be put under anaesthetic to have it removed. He will not be able to leave it as he will be unable to urinate."
Oh my goodness. What happens if a woman's wearing one of these and her date goes farther than she'd planned? WOW!

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