
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I'm having kind of a bad day gang. I'm in the middle of a depression, I'm running a fever tonight (not too serious, just enough to be uncomfortable), and today is my grandson's 7th birthday. His name is Christopher. I've never seen him. The last picture I received was Christmas five years ago. I would very much like his mother to contact me. If you are or know Melissa Fuller, last known address in California, please have her contact me. I just want to keep in touch with my little boy. Just drop me an email at monkeedo1956 AT aol DOT com. I'm not interested in causing her any trouble regarding custody, that's not my job. I'm only interested in the child. I want to know he's happy. I want him to know about this part of his family.

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