
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I mentioned about a week ago that I would write a little about my first trip to the physical therapist. Lesley is a very nice man. We had a great talk. And I have been in a real funk ever since. Don't get me wrong. Most days I deal with my disabilities very well. But I'm really feeling like a cantaloupe doggie right now. You know, melancholy. Sorry.

We were discussing my medical history. I recounted to him when my scoliosis was first diagnosed (age 12), and how, even then, I asked the doctor if there was some kind of brace that would help. He said no. I found out later that the Milwaukee brace had been on the market for more than 10 years at that time! What has me totally bummed out, though, was when Lesley told me that if my former doctor had put a simple lift in my shoe my back problems wouldn't be nearly as bad as they are now. That statement just really knocked the wind out of me. A simple thing like a shoe lift could have really made a difference in my physical life. And quite probably my emotional life. I'm starting to tear up now just writing this. I waited this long to get my emotions in check. I'm so very angry with that doctor. I'm angry with my parents and I'm angry with myself. I'm just angry with life right now. Give me a few more days and I'll be back to my obnoxious self. Sorry if this brought anyone down. That wasn't my intention. If you take nothing else from this, take this: Get a second opinion. Perhaps another doctor would have treated me differently.

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