Saturday, April 02, 2005
It's been a really sad week, hasn't it? First, Terri died, then the Pope died today. To all Catholics who may read this blog, I am sorry for your loss. Although I'm not Catholic, I admire your dedication. I couldn't tell you the name of the head of my particular denomination, and I doubt that most non-Catholics could, either, without looking it up. The Pope was a gentle man, and he did some good work, even though he was saddled with the priest-pederast controversy. He probably could have handled that better. But he served with dignity since my two children were babies. And then, to complete the trifecta of death, Monday is the 37th anniversary of the murder of Martin Luther King, a pivotal point in many people my age. Between the time Malcolm X was killed, and the time Martin Luther king was killed, I lost most of my grade-school friends, because our parents weren't the same race. So we weren't allowed to play together any more. So much the sadder for our nation. How very different would our world have been if we hadn't been taught to treat each other according to our color? I think very different.
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