Wednesday, April 06, 2005
I'll admit it. I've been watching American Idol this season. We usually only watch the beginning of the season, when they're weeding out all the awful singers. That's usually good for a laugh or two. But this week, every single competitor blew it big time. The theme was "Musicals", and they couldn't have chosen more boring songs. The only kinda upbeat song was something from "Pippin", and it sounded horrible. Now you've got two rockers among the contestants. Haven't any of them heard of "Tommy" or "Hair" or "Jesus Christ Superstar" or "Godspell" or anything that would breathe a little life into the show. How about "Grease"? Anwar sang "If ever I would leave you", and he got the words wrong. Anthony sang "Climb every mountain", a song from Sound of Music sung by the Mother Superior. Vonzell tried to sing a Streisand song. They should never do that. People are always going to compare you if you do. What really gets me is that some of these kids had never heard of the musicals or the songs they were singing. Puh-leeze! Have they stopped having music class in school these days? Anyway, if I were voting someone off the stage, I'd have to go with Scott or Bo this week. Both did a really lousy job. What's your opinion?
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