
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Sir George over at Emperor Misha's site wrote a beautiful, deeply moving opinion post on Terri Schaivo's fate. It would be nice to be able to write that well. I wasn't going to write any more about Terri, as everyone else seems to be covering it very well. I do have one question, perhaps someone could answer: It has been reported that Terri is capable of eating normally, albeit soft foods like jello and perhaps applesauce. Could they not still feed her by hand, without the feeding tube? When they had in the past, she had no trouble swallowing the food. But in the past, her husband insisted they use the feeding tube. Surely it wouldn't be breaking the rules to try to feed her normally?

I have yet to hear a single person knowledgeable in the field of geriatrics and care of the dying say Schiavo is suffering or is in pain. And Sowell has produced no such person either. He should argue this issue on its merits and use the facts, not his own blatantly incorrect assumptions
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