Monday, February 14, 2005
I've gotta tell ya, it's been a full day for me. I woke up early this morning, partially in anticipation of my Valentine's Day date with Sir Mugley tonight, and partially because I went to sleep early last night. I realized right away something was wrong. I checked my temp and sure enough, I had a fever. And my throat was scratchy. I've been at this long enough to know I had a case of bronchitis coming on if I didn't nip it in the bud right away. So I called my doctor, but can't get in until tomorrow. Needless to say, our date was off until I get well. Drat! But that was the bad part of the day. After my afternoon nap, I found my sweet Mugley had purchased some substitute gifts for me. I found a beautiful card, and a box of assorted chocolates on the sofa, along with a dozen red, pink, yellow, and white carnations (my favorite flowers). And I still get the dinner out when I get well. I couldn't believe it. We hadn't done anything for Valentine's Day in years, mainly because we don't like feeling forced to give gifts. He gives me gifts all year long, usually when there's no special occasion, so I don't mind missing V-Day. But he went all out this year, and it made me cry. And that's something I rarely do. I love him so much. He deserves better. I've gotta get well quickly so I can repay his kindness. It won't be tomorrow night, though, because he's going to a college basketball game. There's a first for ya.
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