
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, February 11, 2005

I was going to link to this AP story, but it's not very long, and I want people to actually read it:
A newborn was tossed out a car window onto the grass beside a busy street Thursday afternoon, and the car sped off, authorities said.

Investigators were seeking the parents of the boy, whose umbilical cord was still attached when he was found by a woman passer-by. Doctors believe the infant was less than an hour old at the time.

Sheriff's spokesman Jim Leljedal said the woman brought the infant to the sheriff's office. The baby was taken to Broward General Medical Center, which upgraded his condition from critical to serious Thursday night.

It was unclear what injuries the eight-pound, two-ounce child suffered.

The woman who rescued the baby - who was inside a small plastic bag - said she saw a man and woman arguing inside the vehicle.

The baby was thrown from the passenger side, landing three or four feet away in the grass.

No information was released on the baby's identity.

North Lauderdale is about 13 miles northwest of Fort Lauderdale.
How could anyone do that? I'll never understand how people can be so freakin' evil. That child didn't do anything wrong. I'm just amazed that he lived through the ordeal. Thank God for the woman who saw it happen, or the baby boy might have suffocated in that bag. There is no punishment severe enough for the people who did this horrid thing.

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