
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Do you remember having your mom or dad read you a bedtime story? There's a special bond that grows between parent and child when the parent takes five or ten minutes and tells their offspring a story, whether directly from a book or totally from their imagination. But in Holland, I guess it's just too much trouble. Now they have what I like to call Dial-A-Fairytale. For seventy cents a minute, children can listen to someone read them a bedtime story. The average call is ten minutes, so we're talking $7.00 for each story. And since they began taking calls at the beginning of this month, they've received more than 600 calls. C'mon parents, you can't spare five minutes for your children? You don't have to finish the story in one night; break it into pieces. It really won't kill you to think of your children once in a while.

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