
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

I've gotta tell ya, I'm really impressed with our new governor so far. The second youngest governor in the state of Missouri's history (Kit Bond was four months younger), Matt Blunt, son of Rep. Roy Blunt, is already making good on his campaign promises.
The new governor announced that he's closing the state's office in Washington D.C., saving $164,000 a year.

"We have nine members of the House, two members of the Senate," Blunt said at his first official news conference. "They comprise a delegation perfectly capable of representing our state's interest in the nation's capitol."

He also put a moratorium on purchases of new cellular telephones, office space and non-emergency vehicles.

"As you know, the state has not been able to determine how many state vehicles it has," Blunt said. "If we can't determine how many vehicles we own, we shouldn't be in the business of purchasing vehicles."
He's announced the savings will be put toward improvements in education. This "kid" has really got it on the ball. The next four years are going to be interesting. But he's also trimming the fat here in the state offices.
Blunt also repealed former Gov. Bob Holden's executive order of 2001 that expanded bargaining powers for state employee unions. He also has dismissed high-ranking employees in many executive departments. He says the firings are all part of his plan to change state government.
Several of the dismissed employees were with the Department of Natural Resources, a department which has been top-heavy with management for a long time.

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