Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Now this is just pathetic. According to a survey of Britons by YouGov, nearly 1/3 did not know where Jesus was born, that He was Jewish, and that Adam was the first man. Where have these people been? Under a rock? In solitary for life? You don't have to read the entire bible to get this information, people. One chapter in the New Testament gives the info on Jesus, and One chapter in Genesis gives you Adam. It's just so frustrating that, with all the missionaries and ministers and laypersons in this world, people don't know the basics of the Bible. It's not that hard to get. You don't need an interpreter to understand. The hardest thing to get about Jesus is that, despite the miserable wretches that we are, he still died for us! Once that fact is fast in your heart, and you accept His forgiveness, the rest of the Bible is fairly easy to understand (with the exception of the prophetic books). People tend to try to make it more complicated because they can't accept that salvation is so easy.
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