
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I just read this article by Gena Caponi Tabery, and I've gotta say I'm more than a little upset. I'm not going to say Mrs. Tabery is not a Christian, because that's judging. Her salvation status is between her and God. However, she only wants to worship inside the church, surrounded by other Christians? How is that right?

What's wrong with saying grace before you eat in a restaurant? My husband and I do it all the time, and quite often the waitress will stop and silently pray with us. We do not say a silent grace; we verbally ask God's blessing on the food and on those who prepared the food. We taught our children to do that as well.

If the only time you reveal your Christianity is inside the church, how will that help unbelievers or those who have "strayed" from the church? You will look and act just like everyone else around you. We are supposed to be "in the world, but not of the world." That's a lesson I take to heart.

By "hiding her candle under a bushel", she is setting a bad example for her children. She's teaching them to act one way at church, and act like a different person when you're in the world. That is just wrong.

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