
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, December 24, 2004

How's this for absolutely pathetic? The BBC has had to give instructions to their staff on how to go through a revolving door. Seems some of the employees were getting injured trying to negotiate the turning monster.
An email, sent to 800 staff -- complete with matchstick man diagrams for ease of understanding -- comes after one worker trapped her foot in the new doors at the BBC's offices in Britain's second city, cracking a toenail, The Sun said.
But this isn't the first time the BBC has had to issue detailed instructions to their staff.
Employees at BBC Radio Sheffield in the north of England had previously been instructed on how to get through the often confusing and peril-laden task of boiling a kettle. The Sun quoted the edict as saying: "Remove lid from kettle and fill kettle with water."
Like I said, pathetic.

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