
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Today was the 28th Annual Great American Smokeout. Does anybody care? I don't. I started smoking in 1974, not because of ads, or peer pressure. I started smoking because I made a choice to start smoking. I smoked for 17 years. I quit in January 1991, when I went in the hospital with pneumonia, went into a coma, and woke up with a permanent connection to an oxygen tube. I can't say I haven't had a cigarette since, because I did try one about a month later. I took two puffs and put it out. It's been 13 years now. I still, on occasion, want a cigarette. I choose not to smoke. I also choose not to nag other people to stop. If they don't want to stop, they aren't going to be successful. Nagging isn't going to make them want to stop. If anything, it will make them more determined. My husband smokes, and both my children smoke. The kids started smoking after I went on oxygen. They are responsible for their decision. I told them how I feel about it. I will not nag them to quit. Great American Smokeouts are a waste of time. That's my opinion.

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