
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, November 05, 2004

All right, I'm going to say this once, and hopefully you'll lock it into your mind for future reference. On election night, the pundits were already talking about Hillary being the Democratic nominee in 2008. And she probably will be. Therefore, you need to keep alert at all times. Her campaign is going to make this year look like a trip to Disneyland. All of the kerfuffles she's been linked to, Whitewater, Vince Foster's death, Travelgate, the health care beast she tried to create, the Rose Law Firm billing records, the FBI files on "enemies", etc., will somehow disappear. Any evidence linking her to those problems and others will have vanished before she finishes her nomination acceptance speech. And there will be much worse "attacks" on the conservative America we know and love. More marches, more disruptions in electioneering, yard signs disappearing, vandalism, etc. This election cycle will be remembered as a really easy one by then. Remember this, children. She is a smart and dangerous woman. Don't let your guard down.

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