
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Well we now know where John Edwards is. He's busy being ignored in his home state of South Carolina. What is it with the Democrats that they can't arrive at a function on time? This entire campaign has been plagued with late arrivals. This time, after two hours, half the crowd left. Even the candidate for whom he was stumping didn't want to be there.
Edwards "is about as close as she’s going to allow herself to get to the national party," the paper added, noting, "Tenenbaum didn’t appear on the platform with him" at either the rally or a fund-raiser scheduled for later that day.
How unpopular can one guy be, especially when he has such nice hair? I guess it could have been worse:
Aides said she would have skipped the event altogether if John Kerry had been the guest of honor.
Are the Democrats sure they're gonna win South Carolina?

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