
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Tomorrow the Swiftboat Veterans will be unveiling another new ad, this one probably more devastating to Kerry than all the rest. In this ad, POW wives will be telling how Kerry caused their spouses to be tortured and how it affected them. Here's some of the transcript:
Mary Jane McManus: Three months after we were married, my husband was shot down over Hanoi.
Phyllis Galanti: Paul and I were married in 1963. Two years later he was shot down over North Vietnam.

McManus: All of the prisoners of war in North Vietnam were tortured in order to obtain confessions of atrocities.

Galanti: On the other hand, John Kerry came home and accused all Vietnam veterans of unspeakable horrors.

McManus: John Kerry gave aide and comfort to the enemy by advocating their negotiating points to our government.

Galanti: Why is it relevant? Because John Kerry is asking us to trust him.

McManus: I will never forget John Kerry’s testimony. If we couldn’t trust John Kerry then, how could we possibly trust him now?
These women will be doing interviews all over the country. One lesson the Dems should have learned a long time ago: when you mess with a woman's family, you have angered a mama bear, and they never forget and never forgive.

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