
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Britney married Kevin this weekend. (sigh) Is it a match made in Heaven? Will her 55-hour marriage record be broken? Who cares? It must be a slow news weekend. If you don't know who I'm talking about, you need to get out more.

You know, I'm sick to death of people who have so little respect for the institution of marriage. It is a sacred thing, not to be taken lightly. Yet it happens every day. Teenage girls the world over want to follow in this slut's footsteps, when that could be the worst thing that ever happened to them. Less than a year ago, Britney was desperately in love with her childhood boyfriend, Jason. That lasted less than a long weekend. Why? Because to her, marriage is just something to do. It doesn't really mean anything. Well, it does to me. When Sir Mugley proposed to me (a long story in itself), I took the time and asked myself, "I know you love him, but do you love him enough to spend the rest of your life together?" That is a very important question. There are many different kinds of love. Before getting married, a couple should be sure which kind of love they are feeling.

I'll get off my soapbox now. I've had a bad evening. My daughter is having some problems in her marriage, and I'm trying to be a good mother and stay out of it. She's an adult now, and I shouldn't get in the middle of this. Even if I really want to. Which right now I don't.

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