
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Well, my surgery was one month ago today. I'm feeling pretty good, except when I get frustrated at the newscasters or Democrats or whatever. So far, the hormone therapy is working. No hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, etc. Still, it doesn't take much for me to get tired. I have to sit down about every ten minutes because of my back spasms, which seem to have gotten worse since my down time. I guess those muscles don't want to start working again. Well, they have no choice. Sir Mugley starts back to school next Thursday, and I have things I want done before that happens. Which means I have to get things ready for the work to be done. My husband is a treasure. He can cook, and he's a whiz at doing laundry. But when it comes to cleaning house, he really cannot get motivated. But that same quality in his wife gets under his skin. But life is good. I have my health, a place to live, bills are temporarily current. I'm getting stronger every day. In two weeks I have my final checkup, and I'm free and clear.

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