Friday, August 20, 2004
I had a pretty nice birthday today. Before Sir Mugley left for school, we brought the children of fur in the house, since it was supposed to start raining any time, and they're afraid of thunder. So we cleaned the living room, then watched the Olympics. They were bored, but I was enjoying having the house to myself. We took an afternoon nap, then I got up and cooked fried chicken and mashed potatoes and cream gravy for dinner. It turned out pretty good, and I'm not that fond of fried chicken. Anyway, it didn't start raining until after S.M. got home from school about 4:15. What're ya gonna do? It's raining now and supposed to rain all day tomorrow. The boys will get to stay in, but I have to go to the doctor. Nothing serious, I have to see him every three months or he won't give me any more controlled substances. He doesn't want to lose his license. I have to take fairly strong pain medicine and muscle relaxers for my back problems. My sister worried for a while about my getting addicted to them, but that's not gonna happen. I only take one a day, and I have run out in the past without going through withdrawal. No withdrawal, just more pain. But, considering the alternative, I'll get by.
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