
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I got a call from my baby sister tonight. She was fired from her job today, and she called so we could celebrate over the phone. I know, you're saying, Are you nuts?, but no. Here's the situation:

She was running an office for a dentist in the town where she lives. This guy was crazy. He wanted her to commit insurance fraud by changing the dates on the bills so the insurance would pay up. She said no. This dentist routinely reuses plastic tips on the instruments instead of throwing them away, because he's cheap. He doesn't care that he's endangering peoples' lives. The instruments he did clean he didn't sterilize properly. So we have fraud, OSHA violations, health concerns. He also had a bad habit of talking to his patients about other patients. There's your ethics violations. His wife was no better. She read my sister the riot act because she didn't draw smiley faces on the bills she was sending out. At the end of the day, the chairs in the waiting room had to be placed just so before my sister could leave.

She was fired today. You know why? She wasn't "friendly enough". Yeah, right. They're gonna think she wasn't friendly enough, when they realize that she has plenty of documentation, enough to shut them down for a long time. Problem is, she's not as opinionated as I am. She's not sure she's gonna use it. I say, use it. They are endangering people with their unsanitary conditions. She's not worried about getting another job. She already has a job lined up teaching at UMKC Dental School.

Don't ask me who this jerk is, I don't know his name.

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