
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Monday, August 23, 2004

I don't talk about my children of fur much, because usually they don't do anything much to talk about. However, Bandit, the 5 year old beagle/bassett mix, has fallen in love with peaches. I've never seen a dog before who loved to eat peaches. He and his older brother Bubba, a 10 year old golden retriever/chow mix, also love to eat watermelon and cantaloupe. They draw the line at lettuce, unless it has something on it, like salad dressing or taco sauce from a taco salad. Bubba also likes to eat grapes, but only if I break the skin first.

If you have children of fur (canine or feline), do they eat anything unusual? Tell me about it.

My Chihuhua likes watermellom, Bannanas, and peanutbutter crackers
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