
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

ARGH! I will never understand these people. Another moron dressed in a black robe has decided that 1) partial birth abortion is "gruesome, brutal, barbaric, and uncivilized", and 2) it's still legal. Richard Casey, U.S. District Judge of Manhattan, states that the partial birth abortion ban is unconstitutional because it does not make exception for the "health" of the mother. How is it less strain on a woman to go through the dilation process, and give birth to most of a baby, then wait for the doctor to kill it and deliver the rest? And the biggest problem I have with his reasoning is, there is no definition of the "health of the mother". There are so many loopholes in that statement you could build a freeway through it. Many women get abortions because it is just to "mentally exhausting" to contemplate raising a child. Fine. Give the baby up for adoption if you can't raise it yourself. Don't kill it. Especially not that way. Read the article. You'll find out what happens to that child. The child does not die right away in this procedure. If you are contemplating an abortion, please stop and think first. You have the ability to change the world with that child. Don't throw away that chance.

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