
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Although I seem to be on a downslope with my writing tonight, I did learn last night that my husband's aunt passed away last December. I think it is abominable that his family did not let us know. I know they are not a close family, but that is outrageous. I never understood how families can be that distant from one another. Our family has always been very close, some would probably say too close. We care about each other, would do anything to protect each other, would give each other the shirts off our backs. Half of my family is planning to come to the hospital to be with me during the surgery. Even though I probably won't remember seeing them, they'll be there. And they'll be praying for me. The ones who can't be there will be praying for me as well. To me, that's a family. There's nothing better short of Heaven.

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