
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Not too much to blog about today. I've had a nasty headache all day. My son e-mailed some new pictures of the boys to me. They are growing so fast. He also told me he lost his job...again. I wish he would get a job and stay there. You don't ask for a raise when you've only been on the job a couple of months. That is a guaranteed way to tick off the boss.

We are supposed to go to a family reunion this Saturday. I'm sure there will be a lot to say about it Saturday night. Of course, the son-in-law is trying to get out of it, but that's not going to happen this year. I think once a year he could participate with Shauna's family, since he's around his family all the time.

Sir Mugley found out he is definitely going to graduate from Southwest Baptist University this coming December. He was hoping for one more semester, but he will have fulfilled the requirements for his Bachelor's in Psychology. Now he's gotta figure out what to do about grad school. Just two years of that, and he can get a job and support me the way I'd like to be supported. Of course, he knows that means paying the bills as they come in, going out to eat when we want, occasionally going to a movie, and having a couple of bucks left at the end of the month. I can wait. I love him, and I know he's doing this to give us a better life.

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