
Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Hey, I heard from my baby boy this evening. He and his wife, Michele, live in Bend, Oregon with their three boys. Man I sure miss them. Anthony graduated from kindergarten today. Last time I saw him he was just learning to walk. The other two boys, Marcus and Austin, weren't even a thought yet. My son Tom works on a dude ranch. He was complaining about getting saddle sores, so Sir Mugley told him to get off his butt once in a while!

They are all doing just great, plus they are planning to fly us out to Oregon for Thanksgiving this year. I told him that would be wonderful, but if they needed to use the money for an emergency I would understand. I don't mean I wouldn't want to go, I ache to hold those boys. But I hate the fact that I can't afford to pay for my own ticket.

But I do get a thrill when I hear those young'uns fighting over who's gonna talk to grandma deece first. I do love to be loved!!

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